Seongnam, a satellite city in Seoul, introduced the launch of the Semiconductor Fabless Alliance, the inaugural of its kind in South Korea on July 10. The event unfolded in Pangyo Techno Valley, witnessing participation from over 100 representatives spanning system semiconductor demand and supply companies, associations, and academia. Marking the inception of the country’s semiconductor fabless alliance project, 13 organizations came forward to sign the “Mutual Agreement for Activating the System Semiconductor Ecosystem and Encouraging Coexistence.”
The inaugural ceremony was hosted at Sampyeong-dong Gyeonggi Startup Campus, where Seongnam spearheaded efforts to invigorate the system semiconductor ecosystem and metamorphose into a strategic hub for K-semiconductor initiatives.
The ‘Semiconductor Fabless Alliance’ is an innovative platform formulated to nurture the fabless industry, a comparatively fragile link in the value chain of system semiconductors. The alliance aims to bolster networking between semiconductor demand companies and supply companies while stimulating the system semiconductor ecosystem. This ambitious project enjoys collaborative endeavors from Seongnam, the Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), and the Korea Fabless Industry Association.
In terms of its operation, the alliance garners administrative and financial support from Seongnam-si. Seven demand-side industry associations, inclusive of the Korea Electronics Information Telecommunications Association and the Korea Display Industry Association, offer backing for demand-side company discovery and collaborative cooperation. The Korea Fabless Industry Association participates in the joint operation of the alliance, while Gachon University and Sungkyunkwan University extend support to cultivate fabless industry professionals.
The Seongnam Industrial Complex Management Corporation zeroes in on attracting and fostering system semiconductor companies, as the Seongnam Industrial Promotion Agency collaborates on business support programs. The Korea Electronics Technology Institute supervises the alliance’s operation in its entirety and furnishes technical support to member companies.
In light of this agreement, participating organizations are geared to focus on activities such as identifying and nurturing demand-side companies in the system semiconductors sector, enabling collaboration support between fabless companies and demand-side companies, championing technology innovation R&D and commercialization in the field of system semiconductors, and breeding professionals specializing in system semiconductor design.
Shin Sang-jin, Mayor of Seongnam, stated, “In Pangyo Techno Valley, inclusive of the first and second phases, there are 1,642 IT, BT, and CT-related companies generating an annual revenue exceeding 120 trillion KRW. We are also on the verge of establishing an extensive advanced industry ecosystem in the third phase of Pangyo Techno Valley.” He further added, “Seongnam boasts exceptional semiconductor design capabilities and is set to play a pivotal role in the evolution of the Korean-style fabless valley, functioning as the brainpower behind the K-semiconductor strategy. We are committed to aligning our efforts with the foundry capabilities in Yongin and Hwaseong to emerge as the central hub of the K-semiconductor belt.”
Seongnam houses 47 out of 117 member companies of the Korea Fabless Industry Association, thus accounting for 40% of its composition.
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