Looxid Labs: Firm receives $4 million funding for its emotion recognition system
Seoul-based Emotion AI startup Looxid Labs, that develops biometric information-based emotion Artificial Intelligence, has raised $ 4 million in its ...
KoreaTechDesk | Korean Startup and Technology News
Seoul-based Emotion AI startup Looxid Labs, that develops biometric information-based emotion Artificial Intelligence, has raised $ 4 million in its ...
The market for Robo-Advisor for financial industry in South Korea is estimated to grow to 30 trillion won or $ ...
Virtual Reality Arcade platforms are attracting millions of gamers and users each day from across the world. Korean startup VRotein ...
The market for Virtual Reality content is growing at a skyrocket speed. There are numerous VR games and videos, which ...
The Korean start-up eco-system has its unique strength because of the high-level of education and acceptance of innovation and change. ...