It is good news for Korean startups and aspiring entrepreneurs as the government launches the ‘baby unicorn’ project. One reason why Korean startups are brilliant innovators can be gauged from a survey that shows most startup founders come from prominent universities.
Mobile users in Korea are making the most of mobile shopping as sales break records and it is International Women’s Day next week, so known Korean beauty brand is set to make donations in lieu of brand sales. And who is going to buy ‘eBay -Korea’.
Korean Government Launches Baby Unicorn 200 Project

The Korean Ministry of SMEs and Startups launched its Baby Unicorn 200 project on March 2 as a follow-up of its K-Unicorn Project announced in April last year.The K-Unicorn Project is to find 1,000 startups by 2025 and help them grow into unicorn companies with an enterprise value of at least one trillion won through the phases of baby unicorn (less than 100 billion won in enterprise value) and pre-unicorn (100 billion won or more in enterprise value).
Mobile shopping surge: First breakthrough of 70% of online transactions

The proportion of mobile shopping in South Korea among online shopping transactions exceeded 70% for the first time in history. According to the’January Online Shopping Trend’ released by the National Statistical Office, the amount of online shopping transactions in January was 15.62 trillion won, an increase of 22.4% from a year ago. As a result, it has maintained the 15 trillion won level for 3 consecutive months since last November.Among them, mobile shopping transactions amounted to 10.62 trillion won, an increase of 29.2% from a year ago.
Nearly half of South Korea’s startup founders hail from prominent universities: report
A local survey showed around half of local startup founders are from the country’s four most prominent universities, implying that educational background could play an important role in starting a new business here. CEO Score collected data about 123 entrepreneurs from 115 startups in South Korea and asked their educational background. Of the 90 who answered, nearly half, 43, were from Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology graduates.
Is #Kakao seeking to acquire #eBay Korea?
— The Korea Times (@koreatimescokr) March 6, 2021
Save&Co’s ‘SAIB’ to organise a donation event to commemorate the World Women’s Day & Women’s History Month
Save&Co (CEO Park Ji-won), which operates the intimate cosmetic brand SAIB, welcomes International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month announced that an event to donate will be held. SAIB, a brand created by women for women, has prepared this event to convey the power to women who have lived without spare time focusing on work and life for International Women’s Day.

In March, as much as the number of women’s cleanliness products sales, the company will donate to the Korean Single Parents Association Dodam Dodam, which helps single-parent families who are in welfare blind spots such as single mothers and grandparents.