The south Korean animation industry has mesmerized the global entertainment world with its unique creations. Korean startup Monster Studio has gained a worldwide audience and international broadcasting partners with its unique creations, including the hit series’ Bread Barber Shop’.
First project – Bread Barber Shop gets international success
Monster Studio is an animation studio established in 2016 by Jihwan Jung and Hyunah Ko. It produced ‘Bread Barber Shop’ as its first project for KBS, Korea’s national broadcaster. The animation series is now on the Top 10 Netflix shows list and number one show in Netflix Korea Kids.
Bread Barber Shop’s season one was broadcast on KBS in January 2019, and it was then also shown on Tooniverse and 6 other channels. The series is about the animated Bakery Town and Mr. Bread, a slice of bread, the best barber in town. It has exciting storylines showcasing various values like friendship, honesty, relationships, etc. The series became popular among children, and Monster Studio got to broadcast it on global OTT channels like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Nickelodeon, etc. The second season was released in 2020, and the third final season will be released in 2022.
Monster Studio is also producing other animations such as Cherry Toon and Coco Shiro. With the success of its animation cartoons, the studio has also started exclusive merchandise sale. Monster Studio produces toys, cloths and stationery items related to its animation characters. The company is currently working towards creating the final season of ‘Bread Barber Shop.’ It aims to keep producing content for global audiences.
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