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Published Date: October 20, 2020 ,Last modified on June 29th, 2021


Artificial IntelligenceConversation analysisITremote workspeech-to-text

VODABI is an AI-based mobile sales conversation analysis company, with patented BANTCQ framework.

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VODABI Inc is founded in Jan, 2020. VODABI's main 4 business team members are specialized in overseas sales and AI technology. We've got the STT technology from ETRI and applied for a patent which is 'Voice recognition based Conversation analysis framework and device.' By this patent, we provides our special sales call analysis framework called 'BANTCQ.' We already started our 'VODA BI' service in Korea with 100 beta test users. Also, in November, 1,000 users will join for our 2nd beta test. Microsoft, Citrix, LG U+, SK telecom, SAP, SOHO businessman, and individual sales people would be our target users.

Company Overview

The main service of VODABI Inc. is ‘VODA BI’ app service. This app provides mobile sales conversation analysis based on AI technology.

‘VODA BI’ has three major benefits. First, VODA BI provides sales probability scoring. By this, businessman can concentrate on their higher probability customer. Second, VODA BI summarize the sales call by its special framework BANTCQ(Patented in Jan. 2020). It contains important sales call keywords, Budget, Authority, Needs, Timeline, Competition and Question. Third, VODA BI provides ‘to call’ service with next call suggestions.

ETRI holdings made USD 90,000 investment in Aug, 2020. ETRI Holdings is a child company of ETRI. ETRI is an ICT institute of Korea government, and spends 550 million USD budget every year. ETRI has involved even before VODABI’s foundation, and handed over its STT technology.

Problem Overview

Nowadays, dependency of mobile phone is increasing. Especially, in sales area, digital communication is increasing. However, there is no mobile phone conversation analysis services for business and sales. Salesmen need memo even when they walk or drive a car, but should rely on their memory, which can be forgotten or memorized wrong. Businessmen want summary after their long calls, which shows what's the key messages of conversation without prejudice. We tend to forget to call some of customers, losing memories. A secretary who can remind it would be big help to keep promise and trust level.

Solution Overview

As a solution, VODA BI provides main 3 functions.
  • VODA BI scores the sales call. By this function, salesmen can focus on highly probable customers, and business will be efficient.
  • VODA BI summarizes the sales call by BANTCQ framework. This framework contains Budget, Authority, Needs, Timeline, Competitor and Question of consumer. If you want, you can listen again the significant BANTCQ moments.
  • VODA BI recommends 'to call' and questions. It reminds salesmen to call again, suggesting the question which can make sales probability higher.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Business Model

Starting our service in Korea in Jan. 2021, we will expand to North America(US, canada) first and Asia Pacific next. For Korea market, we are going to expand business users through our partnership companies(Cistrix, LG U+, Salesforce, etc.) Also, we attract users through Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Kakaotalk Channel. For global market, we already contact with global business partner. Salesforce, Citrix, BNI, Pulley Ascent, MarketStar, InsideSales.com will collaborate as our partner. Our service will be provided by 2 different payment version. Individual users pay $10 for a month a user, and corporate business users pay $20 for a month a user.

Competitive Landscape

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Founders' Bio

Jinkook, Lee


- Overseas sales of Hyundai Corp. - Inside sales manager of CISCO Korea - Vice president of MarketStar Korea - Founder, CEO of JKL Company - Author of 'Unrealized B2B Sales(2016)', 'Customer Jargon(2020)' - Applied a Patent for VODA BI 'BANTCQ' framework

Donghyuk, Ahn

CTO, Executive Vice President

- CTO, Vice President of WISEiTECH(KOSDAQ IPO in 2020) - Founder, CEO of Hwasumok soft - Author of 'Bigdata Analysis(2017)' - Received 'Man of DB' award from K-data(2013) - Applied 2 patents about Data Analysis(Visualizing Data using Mapping between Data and Visual Chart)


  • About VODABI Inc.
  • Website : vodabicorp.com
  • Location : South Korea
  • Founded year : 2020
  • Company size : 6 people
  • Total funding amount: $90000
  • Markets: CRM sales coachingEducationmobileRemote work